About the School

The Escuela Universitaria Politécnica La Almunia (EUPLA) is in the town La Almunia de Doña Godina, 50 kms away from Zaragoza, which is the capital city of the autonomous region of Aragon in Spain. This third level institution was founded in 1967 by the Salesian Order and became dependent on the Town Council in 1978. in 1979 it became academically associated to the University of Zaragoza (Spain).
In 1990 La Almunia Town Council set up the Organismo Autónomo Local (Local Autonomous Body) with the purpose of providing the institution with its own legal entity.
Since its foundation EUPLA has focused on engineering studies and offered officially recognised degrees in the fields of Computing, Agriculture, Industrial Engineering (Mechanical and Electronics), Technical Architecture and Construction.
Due to a process of adaptation to the European Higher Education Area, EUPLA began to offer four new degrees in 2010:
EUPLA offers Bachelor degrees on the above-mentioned fields and also Posgraduate Diplomas accredited by Universidad de Zaragoza.
Various other Courses and Seminars are organized in EUPLA some of them designed as blended learning and e-learning. The school has also worked in collaboration with the INAEM (Institute for Employment) and the DGA (Autonomous Regional Government) to develop courses and training workshops that would help improve the employability skills of many local citizens.